Cat Walk Colour Trends For Matching Equestrian XC Sets
The Cat Walk and it's Influence on Equestrian XC Sets
In this article we explain how the fashion industry's constant trends influence our outlook on design and keeping on-trend with the seasons' latest colours.From Unisex baselayers to fitted and on-trend riding XC colours
Equestrian fashion has come along way over the past two decades, especially within the eventing world. Long gone are the days of rugby shirts or ill-fitting unisex baselayers, riders are now thundering along the XC courses dressed to impress, with matching hat silks and fitted baselayers.
Stockinjur has been producing riding hat silks and matching baselayers for seven years now, and over the years we quickly started to understand colour trends. Some of the traditional colours such as black and navy always sold fairly well, however it was always a little unpredictable how other colours would sell. Some riders would email us wanting to know the best XC colour matches for their horse, and we are always happy to help out (see our infographic on matching your horse), however, what we have been doing over the past few years is watching the catwalks.
Stockinjur has always had an eye on fashion; not just in the design process, ensuring our rider wear is fitted and complimentary to the female figure, but also tapping into each seasons’ colour trends.
The runways in 2022 reveal several colours that are sure to influence fashion around the globe. Colours and hues of lilac, yellow, hot pink and blush, royal and sky blue are all colours that will inspire some of the colours Stockinjur either already offer or will certainly seek out for our matching xc sets.
Below are some of our colours set to trend this spring/summer.
Blush Riding Baselayer with Complimentary colour suggestions.
Royal Blue Riding Baselayer with Complimentary Colour Suggestions
Lavender Riding Baseleyer with Complimentary Colour Suggestions.
Suggested reading on Colour Matching you Equestrian XC Colours:
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